3:46 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
After all NUSSU Exco thingy is done *nxt friday is our AGM, 7 top posts was already decided in the internal election last friday (it took 8 hrs manz!), I'll go back for a while as a pure NUS student haghag, of coz it means that I will go back to my book and start mugging!
Midterms coming, leave behind all CCAs *including NUSSU* and grab your book. GET The Mugging Spirit!
Got 5 midterms, 1 presentation, 2 term paper and 1 final exam in the next 2 months...hope that I can bear with it...Amin
5:57 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
These past few weeks *not really a few, in fact it's 6 week, startin since i come back from holiday* of my life was really2 enriching. So many things happened that I feel like years of my life had gone *lebay haha. For like 7 weeks in a row, every weekend I got event that I had to attend, making my life more miserable, but maybe fun at the same time. Now, it's over already. Finally, last weekend I got my freedom back, I can go wherever I want, can wake up anytime I want etc...Well, really2 my life has changed a lot. I got plenty experience, sufferings, stress, fun, happiness and so on *that's why it's so enriching.
One of the big turning point that I had was the fact that I'm now officially NUSSU Exco ^^. Can't wait for the first meeting, which is an internal election to see which position everybody gets. Can't wait the list to be publicized so that there will be may shock faces with me being in Exco *lebay again. Can't wait who else in the Council. Can't wait to see him again, etc. I also can't wait for NUSSU FOCC Dinner which will be held at 27th Sep.....
But before that, I have to keep struggle with my 7 modules. One of them almost finish, next week is the last lecture....have to struggle to 2 more labs and one more test to end it...The rest of my modules will end at the end of the semester. Hopefully I can cope with all of them. Amin.
I also cannot wait for my 17th bday. Hope that my parents will really2 give me a car as a present! Amin. I know it's kinda impossible for them to be that generous. But instead a big party, I prefer car lah of course...Any car also can.
OK, for now one better get ready for XML presentation tomorrow^^
6:53 PM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
This blog is dedicated to one fren only.....it's the first time I got a fren like this. I just use "he" here la..
He's too self-centered manz, like everything we talk has to be related to him. And we have to hang arnd with people that he's comfortable with only...the hell....I also got a bunch of ppl that i'm comfy with besides u, pls dont try to limit my frens only to ur groups.
And he's too narrow minded manz, never listen to others' opinion, at least my opinion. And he also too proud of herself and always talk abt it. Pls manz, nobody will say that they're handsome or sth by themselves, they'll let ppl to say that or sth zzzz.
The worst, he alwys think that I'm the same with her, that he knows me the most. that he knows everything. Ok I'm tired. I'll limit my interaction from now on. I'll show him that we came from different class and I'll show him that I can get along with anybody. Period.
1:09 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
This is really2 a tough semester (and now its only week 2 T_T)...Many things popped up in my mind, besides the module, and sometimes I cannot think properly! Sh*t, it's really hard to take care all the things in your mind.
The first burden is my modules of course. I am too kiasu to take 7 modules this sem (6.5 actually coz 1 module end at week 6). And I didnt guess them to be so hard like this! 5 of all got projects! and its not just basic team project, some require individual AND team projects, 2 requires weekly submission. Damn sia, dunno whether I can bear it or not. Until now, maybe I havent lost in any module (at least I can still catch up by next week la, try!) but I'm afraid that in the subsequent week I cannot tahan then must drop one. It's quite a decision since I'm taking Double Major...so any module withdrawal this sem will affect my later semester and my perfect module plan *hahaha....lets see la...at least I'm now thinking that starting next week I'll be able to concentrate FULLY in my modules. Amin.
The second burden is the NUSSU Exco offer that suddenly come to me. I know it's like a miracle, but that thing takes the largest portion of my brain! Like now I'm doing the election process via my fac (SOC). It hasnt been a real one, but I keep hoping! And I tell you it's not a false hoping. It starts when Mingli herself recommended me to Yeehan (the only one nussu exco running for president *at least that i know), then that Yeehan offer me a position as Asst.Publicity Director in the upcoming 30th NUSSU Exco. Then he said that there's nothing to be worried about coz they will try to "put me in". Then I asked Runyan for recommendation also, and he was like said the same thing as "put you in". I, myself, never thinking to be part of NUSSU exco. I've been told since last year that the positions only available for Singaporeans etc, and also the ones that sit there are highly qualified to be student leader, I dont think myself as one. But now, when the offer came, I still keep hoping and dreaming. How it weel feel to be in the highest council in NUS, how the recognition of myself will finally come etc...Btw, less than 2 hours I'll be having my first interview to become NUSSU rep from SOC...wish me luck...
It's so frustated that you cannot help but just hoping and dreaming. Know that you cannot do anything else except waiting the destiny to choose you....
The third burden is my NOC application. It's so complicated that I wanna give in halfway....but I keep struggling! And even now I havent finished my essay and personal statement (2 of them almost done though). I already got recommendations that I want and the rest of it....But still I'm not confident if I can pass the screening process. I really2 wanna go NOC! It's the best thing that I can get in my third year.....even better than SEP, and very enriching also...
The fourth one is my CCAs...keep thinking whether I can stay on campus next year. My focus is only to NUSSU Exco thingy so I missed the deadline for some CCAs that I've planned to join, like soccer and bizcom hahaha....btw, tomorrow I'm gonna have my Exco interview for NUSSU Welfare...hope that I can position that I want. And I thanked Caroline for drag me in to NuStudio hehe...
The fifth one is the fasting month...I know that as Moslem I should be happy, but the things is I havent paid the last year one...so now here I am...fasting without sahur...so hungry!!
The sixth one is my tuition. It keeps burdening me...truthfully I'm not in a urgent need of money, so why I teach tuition anyway? Shit, it feels like I'm wasting my time to go there and teach sec student...but after I come there, I enjoyed the tuition. I love sharing my knowledge *plus getting paid for that*, at the end of the day, after I finished the tuition, I feel really2 satisfied with myself! Quite weird rite...u upset but then u satisfied with it...
Ok, thats all first...It's just my week 2 but things cannot be more complicated for me. September please come quickly, so I can stop hoping (after become exco or non-exco is finalised, after i can catch up all my lectures etc)...
3:34 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Yes finally after started admiring ice Hockey, i bought my own Ice Hockey Skates...
NIKE BAUER FLEXLITE 14 which is shown in here.....

So, happy skating everyone...
NB: I didnt buy the shoes that I show you in the last post (Nike Bauer Vapor) coz the size actually doesnt fit ma feet...so finally I bought this one, complete with its blade guard HAHAHA
soo HAPPY!!!
8:38 PM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
CS1102Y-Data Structures and Algorithms A-
I aim for minimum score of A- in this module coz I plan to be a NUS tutor (and the minimum score for both Java course Cs1101 and CS1102 is A-). Luckily I pass through. Shitty my midterm test! If it's somewhat a bit higher I'm quite sure can score A one haha *cocky cocky, but it's the truth, my damn midterm test pull my score down. For this sem, this module quite OK (except lab 2 which took us like 3 days to finish it! But after that the labs are only so-so). Dont have to really studying if you already grasp the concept, just need improvisation coz the exam questions are somewhat different from the syllabus
CS2100-Computer Organisation A
Yay! My only A this sem T_T. Thanks God. I think this module is quite fun. Once you know the concept, that's it. Actually no need to attend lecture (I skipped many of this module lecture and when I attend it, I fall asleep quite easily, so basically no need to attend lecture after all, no jokes here), you can just read the lecture note. Just read ONLY lecture notes will be enough, no need to read the book lar (part 1 maybe need read some but for part 2, no book is necessary actually). The key to score in this module is by practising past year paper. Really! You have to drill yourself with all kind of question type. Basically they improved a lot from the syllabus so you have to know the concept first before you start drilling. So, just 2 keyword for this module : concept and past year.
FNA2004-Finance B+
Hmm, how do I put it...quite dissapointing...For all the module that I took this sem, this one is below my expectation. I never never skip its lecture, mainly coz I like the material a lot. It's super fun module. Regardless of the score, I know this module is extremely fun and useful hehe. You'll know about many basic investment form and how to calculate its value after taking this module. This one is the first step if you want to trade stock in the future lalala. And just the warning.Almost all people score like almost perfect in this module, so maybe you cannot score that well...
GEK2012-Public Administration in Asia B+
This module is super super beyond my expectation! I thought I'm gonna fail it. I was so nekad to take this module actually. No particular reason, just that I feel the module name is quite interesting if you want know more about government. After taking it, its not quite true. A lot of political concept which I find hard to grasp, and also it requires critical thinking of a political science student. FYI, many of them are pol sci major year 2, so I think I'm gonna fail this module coz I dont have any political background at all. And also I'm not expert in crapping things (luckily that I can crap up to 9 pages when the exam time came, the other student crapped almost 2 booklets (20 pages)) haha...OK, thanks God that I dont have to SU this module...(or at least I think like this)
MA1506-Mathematics 2 B+
Ok, I never score really well in my Maths course. Shit. Last sem (MA1505) also got B+. But its quite oK la for me coz I dont expect any higher either. Competing with all engine student is quite hard. Some of them make the bell curve to get A really2 high. And I think I screwed my exam. This one is the hardest exam I had this sem. I cannot think and calculate properly, I'm still lucky to get B+ when I thought maybe I'll end up with B or B-.
So, as I expected from February, my CAP went down. SAP went down for 0.2 which make my CAP went down by 0.1. Just 0.1 forces me to say goodbye to the first class title. Bubye first class! But I definitely will get you back next sem! (where did I get such confident? dunno...just felt that I can make up for this sem mistakes).
So , no slacking next sem. hmm, and be more efficient!
Next sem I have to study in a regular manner and manage time efficiently since I wanna join teamNUS and CFA also....
8:08 PM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -

My wishlist for this month is only one thing. Ice hockey skates : Nike Bauer Vapor. Just yesterday I came to a ice-hockey pro shop in Kallang then I was introduced to this skates. By the time I saw and touched it, wow...it strikes me like hell! I have to own it no matter what. And the price is somewhat below my expectation, so what I am waiting for?
Hmm, the problem is still the price lar. Although it's below my expectation, the hockey shoes price is not as cheap as other thing. It costs me more than $200 (it's cheap alrd mah, coz I thought any ice hockey skates should cost more than >$400, especially for Nike Bauer or CCM). Thanks God that I have not-so-big feet so that my skates size is only 4"5 which falls under Junior category (maybe that's why its quite cheap). OK, maybe the price is not a problem anymore coz I already got my parents permission (haha, when I told them I dont know the actual price, just say it'll cost like $200. If I said it would cost more than $400, I'm sure that they wouldnt allow me, fortunately it's the real price lalala). I'm now just waiting for my salary to come up this week so that I'm not feel so much deficits in my bank account. (OK, my salary is only $500, and I alrd used it up to $400 for shopping, that one is excluding food and transportation which already exceed $200, haha, so my salary has already gone now actually, deficits if you want the exact thing).
And then I'm still thinking what should I do with this skates. I know la, during holiday I'll use it like everyday, but when the next term starts, I don't think I'll get a chance to use it unless I join any ice hockey clubs which I already thought since last sem but haven't gotten any chance to join them). Ok, maybe after I get this skates I'll get my motivation and nekad-ness back and willing to join the teams in Singapore. Among the teams here, I already eliminate some (coz there's not many woman playing ice hockey here, and this sport is not so popular in Asia though) so I have to choose between 2 only. Canadian teams or Blizzard. The latter one is local ice hockey club, the former one is owned by Ang-Mo.
OK...hopefully I can get it by the end of this week. And I pray so that the stock is not out coz once the stock is out, I have to wait for another 1.5 month...Oh no!!!!
6:08 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Today is a super tiring day. I got to walk here and there around Central Singapore. Hmm, lets be chronological.
Walking Tour-Kampong Glam
Because of SSD2213 (Singapore Urban History and Architecture -- SS module that I took in this special term) I have to go to Kampong Glam to join its walking tour. I left at 12 something and it was raining! I'd been alrd wet at that time coz I don't have any umbrella (never bought any in Singapore). Ignoring my condition, I took a bus (forget which number) to Harbourfront then later took MRT. After alighting at Lavender MRT I got to walk to our promised place which is The Kallang Riverside Public Toilet! *the hell. The problem is, that time it was raining quite hard and I have no umbrella with me! Even I don't know the exact location coz I'd never been there before! OK, that one was the worst. So I had to walk under the rain (not under the sun) for about like 500-900m before I reached the place. And the raining hadn't stopped yet until 2pm.
In the wet condition and all holding umbrella, we started the walking tour. Start at so called the "coast" of the past (but because of the reclamation it's not longer a coast) we walked all the way to Fatimah Mosque. This mosque (explained by the lecturer) is built under various style of architecture from all over the world. The "kubah" is of course from arabic tradition. The Gate is from Javanese culture. Something under Kubah is like Hindu temple. And some parts of the mosque is like church (coz the architect who designed it is also the one who designed St.Andrew church) and Buddish temple (the lecturer mentioned sth like circle but I forgot what it is).
After that we walked through the street which in the past used to be the earliest and biggest market in Singapore. The shops there mostly not maintained by the URA (Urban Redevelopment Agency or sth like that) and then transformed to the clumsy HDB area. We go through Arab Street then reach the central of the Mandala (Mandala is like # where the central being an empty place, it symbolized the central of the universe coz exactly located between sea and mountain, and between sunset and sunrise.) Near there there's Sultan palace that unexpectedly had been renovated and relocated so that it's not in the same shape as the original one.
Then we go through more shops till we reached Sultan mosque. This mosque is great and one of the Malay site maintained by Singapore Heritage Board. There are many shops near there that sell batik and art craft. The final destination of today's walking tour is the Moslem and Royal Cemetery. Then we are dismissed.
In between
After the walking tour, I walked to the busstop quite far from Royal Cemetery and take a bus (also dunno which number, but surely heading to Fullerton area, 197?). I just take any bus randomly and also alight at a bustop near Raffles museum by mistake. Coz it's just 4pm, I was still relaxed knowing that I wouldn't be late for my doctor appointment. Waiting for bus no.167 to come (I wanna go Orchard to take the nearest MRT to Novena), I read "The Singapore Walking Tour" which purposely I borrowed from cenlib the day before. My bus came and I alighted at opposite MRT station (at the back of ISetan), take MRT to Novena.
I was so hungry when I reached Novena. I hadn't eaten anything since the morning so I decided to buy 2 doughnuts. After that I was searching for the location of National Skin Centre. It's quite painful coz I had walked for 2 hours full for the walking tour, and walk from this bustop to that bustops repeatedly. Finally, after wandering round Novena Square, I went back to the MRT Station and took an exit at Thomson Road to take Bus no.21, directly to NSC.
National Skin Centre
I have to admit that Singapore is so sophisticated. After making an appointment to see Dr.Tan a week before via internet, I came to Clinic B which has been allocated for me. Then at EXACTLY at the appointment time which is 17.50, I entered the doctor room. Dr.Tan wasn't doing anything, he just typing on his computer and questioning me a few question. After just around 5mnts, he told me to leave. That's it! The consultation only take 5mnts for $76!! That one is the dull one, the sophisticated thing come after this.
To take the medicine at the pharmacy at level 1, all you have to do is to scan the barcode in your appointment card and waiting to be called, that's it. No prescription needed, all have been transferred from Dr.Tn computer to the pharmacy. Wow, great system. So I just have to wait to be called then later take my medicine. It's quite expensive but I think it worths a try. Hmm, unique experience to come to the doctor in Singapore. Very different from Indonesia although Indonesia doctors are more friendly I think.
4:43 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Sempet minggu2 lalu, sekitar mid-March, gw ke Raffles mall ama Suntec 4x in a week. Yg pertama nganterin tania nyalon, cuman salonnya tutup trus kita jalan2 gak jelas. Yang kedua, gw lagi stress dan emang sem ini blom sempet-sempetnya belanja gtu, akhirnya gw keliling2 lah itu di 2 mall tersebut.
Namanya juga cewe blanja, suka gak kira-kira lol, apalagi tangan gw udah gatel gtu udah lama gak shopping (sem ini lbih sering kongkow2 di cafe and mug gtu, jarang gw pgi sendirian). Gw kan kalo belanja gtu mesti sendirian, suka gak enak klo misalnya ada yg nemenin, jadi gak bebas hehehe....Then alhasil tangan gw penuh gtu ama kantong blanjaan. Yang tadinya ke suntec cuman mau nyari sendal jepit gantiin sendal jepit kudel gw, akhirnya beli tas, dompet, jaket 2, sepatu, celana pendek ama kemeja. Sendal-nya malah gak dapet T_T.
Nah, habis gw kluar toko terakhir which is The Wallet Shop, gw didatengin aunty2 gtu. She said, "Woah so a lot leh, let me see your receipt". Waktu itu gw gataw ngapain dy minta receipt2 gw. Ternyata, di Raffles mall waktu itu lagi ada promotion gtu, klo shopping in fashion category >$100, bakalan dpt gift gtu. Lah gw mana tau coba, blanja2 aja, mana pduli gw. Nah, si aunty itu akhirnya nyuruh gw ke customer service buat ambil hadiahnya. Kita berdua combine receipt2 kta hahahaha...Aunty2 itu sih agak2 mencurigakan, kan gw ama dy kira hadiahnya cuman voucher $5 doang gtu, nah dy minta vouchernya buat dy doang. Gw sih ikhlas aja, tapi gw pnasaran, si Aunty itu kok ngebet amat ama $5 doang (soalnya dy ndiri ud blanja kyk $80an gtu). Agak sebel juga ama aunty2 itu, wong receiptnya banyakan punya gw kok dy yg minta hadiahnya huehuehue...
Ternyata pas ke customer service, hadiahnya bkan cuman voucher $5, tapi jug adpt kalung dr Chomel. Hahaha, sebelum ketauan tuh aunty2 gw umpetin dulu tuh kalung, yg gw kasih lyat cuman vouchernya...huehuehuehue....akhirnya kta sama2 puas deh. Si aunty dpt voucher yg dia pengen, gw dpt kalung yg gak w duga...lumayan...stelah gw cek tuh kalung worth likely $26 hueheuhuehue...lucky lucky...
7:39 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Huhuhu, my CCA workload is now exceeding my NUS modules'. Here's the list for this week!
For Nam Wah Pai rite, this week not only I have to do the notice board things (which I have done successfully hehe, though I cannot cut down e budget....a girl cannot stop when shopping la, borong aja gw smua barang di coop lol). And then still have to man the booth for damn NUS open house this sunday! Huhuhuhuhu...toushiyo toushiyo....Oh y, then have to go the the usual practice too (which I've been skipping since last month). Still can bear with it coz everything will be over this week. Jia You
For Econs Society, next Monday have to man the boot also for their bazaar, dunno how long!
For Street Jazz Dance, I hv to come to usual practice, but this time I have to catch up since last week i skipped it due to midterm tests.
For NTS rite, not much left things to do except have to send out proposals to the respective sponsors and prepare for our new office (which will be lauched ard April?). No more designing. Thanks God...
For CF, though I've become IT director now, I got two more things to do lar. Find more members and create video things. So basically our main job is to build website and video things. Hmm, I have to learn dreamweaver or flash in only 2 days!!! I have to do this unless I cannot stick up with the deadline which is next week!! So far only got Wilson to join my team...Oh y, I still hv to contact Danny, last's year IT director...Tsin Li had given me his contact, but I'm too lazy to contact him now ....zzzz.....Huihuang's also not much help, he's more to publicity things
For Enchanting Indo..dun care anymore. At one side I'm relieved to be repositioned only as subcomms, so with my CCA pile like now, it wouldn't be much problem. But I think I also wouldn't be so much help for them laa, too busy this holiday
For Rag rite...first job of presenting video for NUS open house will be done by Gao Zheng, so nothing to do with me la hehe. But surely I know that all the publicity things for Rag n Flag are far exceeds the capacity of 3 ppl!! So much things to do from backdrop, website, files, ticket, booklet + 50th years NUSSU book, T-shirt, the logo itself+++...hua....a lot of work la! Runyan and Mingli also some kind of cold-blooded la, my 1st impression of them *run away..And also the thing that upset me is that our meeting is excluded from the usual Rag Team meeting T_T...The main reason why I wanna join Rag is because I love the dynamism and want to be a part of it...Nvm la, monday we got general meeting for all Rag n Flag team.
Any CCA not in the list? I think I forgot some...Oh y, tennis practice will commence next Wednesday! I just realized that Timothy also join...hmmm....ok laa....I wanna play tennis more than ever...to release my stress....
7:05 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Hahaha, ikutan si rara bkin blog broken heart parade, kan kta lgy sama2 broken heart T_T...
link blognya rara
http://raraurie.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog/2008/03/broken_heart_pa.htmlCritanya gini nih, gw ama rara ada gebetan, sayangnya gebetan kita udah ada yg punya smua. Si runyan dah attached, tutor malay-nya sih rara malah lbih parah, uda pake cincin, ntah itu cincin tunangan or cincin kawin or cincin 25th anniversary *ckckck...Nasib anak NUS nih, kebanyakan belajar jadinya gebetannya diambil orang *wakakakak, kyk ce-nya bukan anak NUS aja (lah, ini jga gw gataw)
Iss, kok gw malah nulis blog! Harusnya blajar nih blajar! Sbagai anak NUS yg baek gak boleh ktinggalan lecture, mesti catch up. Nih di dpan gw lagi terpampang buku Computer Organization yang harusnya gw baca, tapi nganggur gtu aja karena di depannya lagi ada si John tersayang gw (bwt yg gataw John, call 999). Nih si masi mending, ktinggalan 1 topic doang. Module GEM gw yang political science, readingnya udah gak gw baca sejak week 4....note that this week is week 9 hahaha, mana each week readingnya 60 pages lagi..yasuw laaaa. Padahal rencananya ku tak mau SU nih module loh, seru sih ^^, byr bsa blajar korupsi tanpa ketauan (loh?).
Balik lagi ke broken heartnya gw dan rara. Yah apa boleh buat ra! Cheersss, co cakep masih banyak di luar. Anak arts ama anak engine banyak yg keren tuh, 2nd year SOC juga OK (knapa 1st yearnya butek2 sih *ditimpuk). Masih banyak ikan di lautan hehehehe....
Aduh resolution gw kacau...bukan resolution 2008, gw mah bkin resolution tiap minggu...byasa anak SOC, tp minggu resolutionnya yg ptg slesein lab, tutorial ama assignment hahaha, walaupun sem 2 ini gw asal ngerjain doang, gak ngerti copy punya tmen, kagak ngerti bodo. Aduh2 kok jadi parah gni sih? Satu sem di NUS ternyata udah cukup untuk memudarkan semangat belajar yang berkobar (cih, kyk dah pah berkobar gtu)..buktinya skrg! Drpd baca buku yang gw lakuin malah nulis2 blog gni, menghidupkan kembali blog 2 taun yg lalu hahaha.....
Iss, inget 2 taun yg lalu....jdi pgn balik ke Sabang!! huaa.....miss that beach! my 'private' beach....si Papa lgy di Aceh skrg...kmaren dr malay, ke spore, ke batam trus ke aceh..huaa..pdhl mau ngikut gw....mau jalan2 (udah gak mikir kuliah lagi gw) di pantai...pantai spore gak seru ah, ga ada ombak!
Hix hix hix.....sedihnya. Patah hatiku karena Runyan haha, tapi kmaren stelah gw lyat2 gy dy gak ckep2 amat kok, keren aja badannya, tinggi gtu^^, NUSSU exco pula lagy hehee, pdhl baru year 2 loh....salutt saluutt
1. Amdahl's Law : there's unaffected part of excecuted time that's not affected by the speedup! Careful, that one is the pitfall everybody made ^^.
2. Faster computer has higher MIPS rating
3. The lower CPI the better the performance
^^ gni nih hasilnya klo nge-blog ambil mugging, campur sari isi blognya! Chapter 4 slese dgn skimming, balik ke chapter 2 skrg, ttgg different MIPS...
Udahan dulu deh....mw mug bntr sblm ke fongseng
4:46 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Now I feel sooooooo bored that I feel I wanna suicide to kill this boredom (haha, not that
extreme lar). Now I'm sitting at YIH study room since 11am this morning. Initially I just wanna study Maths for my midterm test tomorrow. But I ended up chatting, checking email and write blog like this. ic
I'm so bored! I even turn on my webcam and start taking my own pics narcistically. People around me maybe realize it and they stared at me with a weird glance lol hahaha....This is one of my pics that I took......

walaw!! so bored lar!!!
3:22 AM -
Posted by Dessy Kadriyani -
Haiyoo, it took so long time for me to continue posting a blog like this. So far I got really-really no time for posting my own life. Hmm, one reason is because my greatest blog in wordpress *with my own theme* was disappeared to nowhere, causing me to write no blog lol....
By the way, I'm back again, today, in the first day of march 2008. My life changed a lot since the last time I wrote this blog *which I cannot remember when*. Now I'm already college student, I'm no longer live at the same roof as my parents, I already turned 16, I already......
Well, now I'm living in PGP, Prince George's Park residence, some kind of dormitory lar in my university. Oh ya, I'm currently studying Computer Engineering (SOC) in NUS (Natl Univ of Singapore). Now it's my second semester.
Many things happen here. My life was not as suck as before. I got a lot of boredom-killer here *lol*, many jobs, many friends, many unexpected things and many new experiences. Well, the only same thing is I always have to study. It's even worse rite here. We're forced to mug everyday or we'll be kicked out of the harsh competition in pursuing good grades lalalala...but nevermind, don't be that-so-mugger. There're many great things out of library there.
It's been 7.30 pm here. At 8 I'm going to University Cultural Centre to watch my friends playing Harmonica....*I was forced to buy the ticket in exchange of lab answer..but at the end Tania didn't give me any answer but I end up buying her ticket.....*revenge mode*.
Well, I cannot sum up everything in just one post. For now on, I'll try to publish post as many as I can lar, but I cannot promise you since next week I'll be having my busiest week in 2008. Got 4 midterms, 2 presentations, 1 lab and 1 assignment in just 5 days...well, I'm not ready to face it yet.
Btw, hooray, I was elected to become Rag Publicity Head this year. Hehehe, with the handsome PD *dunno whether he's PD or advisor sth*. Go rag! Keep your dynamism! Why I choose rag? Cause it's the one that seems so many fun in it. I love yelling and firing up my spirit now lol.....
Last week I went to the celebration of Singapore's bid as Youth Olympic Games 2010 host. Hmm, seems more or less like rag. Youth gathered at Padang, singing, yelling, what a nationalism. Wish Indo can be like that? hhmm...10 years enuf meh? Well, I also got NUSTeam t-shirt which I've been waiting for since my 1st sem....hahaa.....Actually it's only for the sports team that represent NUS. I'm also sportsTeam, but I haven't represented NUS at any level T_T. Only supporting Singapore last week...
Well, that's all for now. I'm heading for UCC after praying....hear from me soon..but cannot promise u.