There is this most irritating person that I've ever dealt with. Well let's say he's called A. A is a super structured person, everything must be organized, must be well-planned, must be well-thought etc. And very strict as well.
What's most irritating is that he tried to impose his thought process and behaviour to everybody around him. He tried to create rules, even ridiculous ones, hardly allow creativity and impulsive behaviour to happen. Even tried to tell us how and where to walk. Wtf. We're not kindergarten children hellooo?
And he always stick to his initial assumption, about his perception of a person even though he knows nothing about the rationale behind.
I just cant follow his thought of process, really, from the start until now. I am a really impulsive person. I change plan and adapt along the way. Anything that I feel and want at one point of time, I'll do it right away and I expect to get the results instantly. And of course, more than often, I have my own way to get things done, which is not through what he perceived as "normal" way. It's not that I'm not respecting you or something, but me and you cant really get along well because we are so different right from the start. I was raised in a family who literally give me freedom to do whatever I want, and truthfully, more often than not, I get what I want, partly because I'm damn stubborn.
I don't know how you were raised, because our age differences are so huge, but I assume that it must be quite structured and full of rules/plan/schedules etc? Maybe at some point of time in your life you felt so restrained about your own environment and plan to get revenge in the future, thus try to apply the same thing to us now.
If I were your daughter, I think now I wouldn't be in Stockholm, rather I'll be in Jakarta, reading medical book on weekends, studying medicine. Having no social life like you.
But seriously I can't live in that kind of world. I feel restrained. I can't truly maximize my, what you called, 'talent' if you ALWAYS try to get in my way! Seriously get the hell out of my way! Let me do whatever I want. I am mature. I know what consequences I'll get for an action. And even if it's bad consequences, I'm the one who'll get it anyway and it won't affect you and your dear reputation at all. So just stay away from my business.
You know what? You're really worth nothing in my life and soon as this is over, I seriously dont want to have any kind of business/interaction etc with you. During that short period of time, when you feel like you were helping/guiding me, you actually bring me more troubles with all those stupid rules/guidelines. I'd rather try and experience things myself rather than receiving stupid and too careful suggestion.
It's very unfortunate that I have to deal with him in a frequent basis, though not everyday (thankfully or I'd rather go some other countries).
I'll post this on my blog. Don't care if you happen to read it. I am as free spirited as I was before, no one can change that, even after you bring some little troubles in my life.
What's most irritating is that he tried to impose his thought process and behaviour to everybody around him. He tried to create rules, even ridiculous ones, hardly allow creativity and impulsive behaviour to happen. Even tried to tell us how and where to walk. Wtf. We're not kindergarten children hellooo?
And he always stick to his initial assumption, about his perception of a person even though he knows nothing about the rationale behind.
I just cant follow his thought of process, really, from the start until now. I am a really impulsive person. I change plan and adapt along the way. Anything that I feel and want at one point of time, I'll do it right away and I expect to get the results instantly. And of course, more than often, I have my own way to get things done, which is not through what he perceived as "normal" way. It's not that I'm not respecting you or something, but me and you cant really get along well because we are so different right from the start. I was raised in a family who literally give me freedom to do whatever I want, and truthfully, more often than not, I get what I want, partly because I'm damn stubborn.
I don't know how you were raised, because our age differences are so huge, but I assume that it must be quite structured and full of rules/plan/schedules etc? Maybe at some point of time in your life you felt so restrained about your own environment and plan to get revenge in the future, thus try to apply the same thing to us now.
If I were your daughter, I think now I wouldn't be in Stockholm, rather I'll be in Jakarta, reading medical book on weekends, studying medicine. Having no social life like you.
But seriously I can't live in that kind of world. I feel restrained. I can't truly maximize my, what you called, 'talent' if you ALWAYS try to get in my way! Seriously get the hell out of my way! Let me do whatever I want. I am mature. I know what consequences I'll get for an action. And even if it's bad consequences, I'm the one who'll get it anyway and it won't affect you and your dear reputation at all. So just stay away from my business.
You know what? You're really worth nothing in my life and soon as this is over, I seriously dont want to have any kind of business/interaction etc with you. During that short period of time, when you feel like you were helping/guiding me, you actually bring me more troubles with all those stupid rules/guidelines. I'd rather try and experience things myself rather than receiving stupid and too careful suggestion.
It's very unfortunate that I have to deal with him in a frequent basis, though not everyday (thankfully or I'd rather go some other countries).
I'll post this on my blog. Don't care if you happen to read it. I am as free spirited as I was before, no one can change that, even after you bring some little troubles in my life.