Reading other's blog has been an inspiring activity for me. I keep reflecting their thoughts with myself. What I have achieved? What I want to achieve? How can I be a better person? How should I plan my life ahead?

Inspired by my senior's blog, I keep myself to make a full use of the chance I got. Usually I feel unchallenged after I got what I want. I let my motivation down and did not give my best. I regret what I cannot utilize in the past, and at this time. But I feel very grateful that there are still many things lie ahead of me, there's still many big chances that I can make use to improve myself.

I always regret how I cant make my junior and senior highschool meaningful enough. During that time, I only concentrated on one thing: study. What I did not realize was that the purpose of my parents 'put' me there: gain friends and build networks. My schools, objectively, are the perfect places to build your networks at early age you know? A lot of elite's children go there and as for my high school, intellectual people and future leaders are groomed there.

Why couldnt I make use of those opportunities? Why I limit myself only to my comfort zone? Why I exchange knowledge and experience only for meaningless entertainment? Why I dont like forcing my brain to think!

Another thing that I regret is that I cant utilize my free time effectively enough. Like I always o shopping when I got time : one thing that I hate (and love) by being a girl! Silly girl who keeps wasting her time for meaningless stuff. Typical girl who sometimes search for the next branded handbag she should buy. I sometimes regret this. If only I'm a guy, I should not have 'wasted' my time that way. I could use that precious time for something else; like some of my friends are now trading stocks or thinking of business plans. If only I'm a guy then I dont have to 'waste' my money buying some new clothes or makeups every month just because I'm boring with my current wardrobe.

Ah...but I am also grateful that I'm born a girl. But I still prefer to be a guy though...

Another thing that I regret is that during my time serving NUS Students' Union, I cant bring anything meaningful to the students. What I do was simply doing the normal 'job' stated in the jobscopes lol. I never really brought up an initiative that will benefit students. Ah, I'm so shamed of myself. Though it's my another big chance, but I cannot utilize it at all. Though I'm at the position who can brings improvement for the community, I didn't.

Alhamdulillah I got 2 big chances in my near future. First, the internship with CreditSuisse, one of the top investment bank, private bank and wealth management assets in the world. And my NOC, an NUS program dedicated for students who want to become future entrepreneurs. Both of them are magnificent chances that only Allah can bring to my life.

I will be working as intern at CreditSuisse technology division this summer, in the Technology Infrastructure Service (TIS) team. I'm really looking forward to it since I'll be working at the-coolest-building-of-my-version-in-singapore-CBD which is One Raffles Quay, with a bank somemore. It's like a perfect first step to my dream job. Hopefully I can use the opportunity to improve my understanding in financial world as well as keeping myself update with the latest technology development. And build networks also. Hopefully I can build a good relationship with my bosses and colleague!

I am so excited, and worried as well, cause my past work experience is not so good, mainly because I am not so good in programming and I am so careless. It's been a painful yet meaningful experience. Now I can only ive my best and leace the result to Allah.

Ganbatte ne!

Terinspirasi dr blog-nya Lisa. Gw jadi malu sendiri with myself. Though I've been given with sooo many grace, but I seldom thank Allah.

I dont want to blame Singapore which make me less and less religious each day. Though I never skipped sholat (so far) but I often jama' them though there's no special occasion.. And I never touched Koran here you now! I never read it. I'm too busy running after the fana thingy that I forget about my religion T_T! I am so dead now. Feel very guilty. Though I always remember Him whenever I want to achieve something or get something but my feelings are not...

Ya Allah, maafkanlah hambaMu ini yang selalu sok sibuk dalam mengejar hal duniawi dan tidak punya waktu untuk mengingatMu....

Feeling guilty rite now..........

Yep, week 11 alrd! 2 more weeks bfore final exam, 5 more weeks bfore my intern starts. Yatta!
These 2 weeks I'll be quite slack cause I finished all project, leaving only 2 labs, 1 pres and 1 late midterm test lalala~

Thinking of going back Indo next week, cause I'll get no time to go back during summer. Hmm...but still waiting for Credit Suisse to send me the contract first.

Ok, dunno what to write. I should be studying rite now, preparing for final exam which is only 3 wks away...or do my lab which is due this friday but....well, slacking off is better haha (i've been like this since sunday....doing practically nothing productive). Huaa!! Study la study! Pull up your cap!

I'm waiting for another challenge. Hmm. rite now I'm getting bored again hoahmm.

OK, for the time being what I'll do is to improve my skills. Whether by studying or getting more experience that I never done bfore. Hopefully my intern life will be enriching as well. Still dunno what I'm gonna do there, but they told me it'll involve liaising with clients in HK...hmmm...ok hopefully I can perform up to their standards. Still cant believe I'm offered a place there, though it's very competitive. Cant believe my luck!

I'm so damn lucky throughout my life. Sometimes I'm getting scared of myself too. Like my NUS admission, NUSSU Exco election, NOC intake and CreditSuisse offer. Those are some things that I'll never get unless I'm damn lucky. I'm scared that will all those things in future I have to pay a price...scared scared

Target for this summer: lose weight haha, driving my own car, and if possible watch Arashi concert in Tokyo.