*refer to my latest post (just after this post)

One week can change everything.

One week ago I felt so useless being here. Not being productive and all.

But 2 strangers came to my rescue. They are couchsurfers who surf at my place. David, a Mexican-American came on Sunday-Tuesday while Yoko, a Japanese came Friday-Sunday.

My last week had been meaningful for me. I mentioned that I miss heart-to-heart and philosophical sharing session with Suang and Ivone, well I got it from them, 2 strangers who just happened to come to my place.

David shared a lot of things about his life to me. His own unique way to live life freely. It was very interesting, and inspiring. With Yoko it's me who talk how I live my life and how I ended up in this state now haha

They were good. and they opened my eyes that opportunity for learning is everywhere. Europe is indeed a very good place to learn (and travel)

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